Parents & Friends Association (P&F)

The Parents & Friends Association (P&F) is the parent representative body of the School and has enjoyed enthusiastic parental participation since its inception. The objectives of the P&F are consistent with the School mission and philosophy. In particular, the P&F aims to support the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical development of All Hallows' School students by:

  • Fostering a distinctively Catholic environment within the School community consistent with the ethos of the Sisters of Mercy;
  • Developing maximum co-operation between parents, caregivers and School staff; Providing a medium for information and participation of parents and caregivers in the School community;
  • Identifying services and talents within the School community and making them available to school-related spiritual, educational, social and fund raising activities;
  • Giving public expression when the occasion arises on matters affecting Catholic education;
  • Raising funds for the purposes of the School;
  • Providing a medium for the promotion of a spirit of community and mutual support within All Hallows' School; Fostering parent-student-teacher understanding and communication. The Parents & Friends Association provides a valuable forum for parents and caregivers to discuss the issues impacting their daughters' education.

The P&F also endeavours to promote a sense of community by continuing to support the Mothers' Network and Parent Support Groups by shared fund raising activities and by inviting these groups to report to each General Meeting. A general meeting is held once each term and our Annual General Meeting is held in October.

The Mothers' Network

The Mothers' Network is an important support group to the School as it emulates the Mercy ethos started by Catherine McAuley. Offering a place for any of our care givers of All Hallows' students, the Mother's Network enables each of us to maintain connection with the School and with each other. A diversity of backgrounds, circumstances and cultures creates a rich resource of wisdom and competencies from which to offer support to others and to one another. This caring network of care givers assists the School in its mission by:

  • Organizing year level parent social functions;
  • Welcoming new families to the school Providing hospitality at various functions to those associated with the school;
  • Providing school directed pastoral care e.g. meals roster for families in times of illness or bereavement, via the Care and Concern group;
  • Hosting the annual May Morning Tea and Mothers' Retreat Day;
  • Fundraising for special projects that positively impact our students and their families.
  • Meetings are held once per term and all members of our community are very welcome to attend.